


Okay, so I am a huge Star Wars fan. I will show you two ideas how to custumize your mugs depending on your interests. If you are not that much into StarWars, you can of course apply this method with other motifs you like.

What you'll need
  • white or light mugs
  • paper, printer, pencil
  • porcelain pens

1. Prepare: Start by printing out the motif (or lettering...) in the right size for your mug. Be aware that everything has to be mirrored! Then trace the contours with a sharp pencil, apply a lot of pressure. Place on the mug with the top side down and fix with tape. Now draw with the pencil over the contours and your motif will be transferred to the mug!
2.Draw: There's not much to explain in this step: Take the pen and trace the contours. Leave to dry for 15 minutes before heat fixing.

3. Bake: Depending on the pens you are using this step can be differing. I used the porcelain brushpen by edding: Bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees celcius for 25 minutes, leave to cool in the oven.

Done! I hope you liked this DIY and try it out. Of course you could leave the whole preparation away and draw directly on to the mug, but I didn't feel capable for that.


  1. Hey;) coole Idee! Stimmt, warum nicht mal eine Tasse selber machen? Ich selbst mag Star Wars nicht so, aber da lassen sich bestimmt Sachen finden die ich darauf zeichnen würde;) also das werde ich bestimmt mal nachmachen und dich natürlich auf Insta verlinken;)
    LG Marie

    1. Yeah, mach das gerne! Ich plane auch in den nächsten Wochen nochmal einen Blogpost zu machen mit weniger nerdigen sondern eher "schöneren" Motiven. Vielleicht ist da ja dann was dabei für dich :)
